
I, my humble self, therefore, always uphold the human existence in me.

Karl Ahrendt
Wesenburg 1853–1941 (murdered in Bernburg), in a letter to the director of the State Hospital of Berlin-Buch, 1933
If we had also been alive during the war, we wouldn't be here today. Then you would not be able to get to know us any more.

Elke Heinzelbecker
born in 1959, member of Mensch zuerst – Netzwerk People First Deutschland e.V. since 2003
You can learn from this how skillfully a state is able to kill its weakest members, i.e. disabled people, who are precisely the people a state should protect. Because they are the ones who are supposed to get a great deal of support.

Arndt Kunau
Mitglied bei Mensch zuerst - Netzwerk People First Deutschland e.V.
These psychiatric crimes teach us to see the fellow human being in the patient again.

Dorothea Buck
born in 1917, forcibly sterilised in Bethel in 1936, sculptor and writer, co-founder of the Bundesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V./Federal Association of People Who Experienced Psychiatric Treatment
I think it is very important that we remember. We should not hush that up. Because it is our history, because this is the history of people with learning difficulties.

Christine Groß-Manderbach
Mitglied bei Mensch zuerst - Netzwerk People First Deutschland e.V.
The murdered fellow sufferers leave behind the legacy of speaking out against every thought of life that is unworthy of life, against arbitrariness and humiliation. Their deaths will be, therefore, not meaningless. Their lives deserve our respect. They belong to us.

Münchner Psychiatrie-Erfahrene e.V.