Bureaucratic procedures

After murdering the patients by gas, the administrative staff employed at the killing centre carried out the necessary correspondence with relatives and authorities. Every killing centre was affiliated to its own registrar's office, which was solely responsible for recording the deaths there. Moreover, »distribution departments« were set up, in which T4 employees marked the hometowns of the victims on cards. This enabled them to identify striking spatial and temporal clusters of deaths and to prevent them from occurring by forging the dates of death. The registry offices of the various killing centres also exchanged the files of the murdered among themselves in order to certify a fake place of death.

The victims' families would have been informed by letter about their death and the cremation of their relative that had already taken place. The »letter of consolation« was supposed to make the death appear as a »release from suffering«. The letter came with two death certificates issued by the special registrar's office set up in the killing centre, containing false details about the cause, place and date of death.

At the relatives' request, the urn containing the ashes of the deceased was sent to the home cemeteries. In actual fact, they did not contain the ashes of the particular persons named on them, but were filled with ashes that just happened to be at hand. The victims' valuables were released only at the express request of the relatives.

The effort to conceal the killings bureaucratically served not only to maintain the secrecy of »Aktion T4«, but also the acquisition by false pretences of the care allowance and thus the financing of the programme of the murder of patients.

Image: Everyday objects of murdered patients recovered during excavations on the site of the former Hartheim killing centre
Everyday objects of murdered patients recovered during excavations on the site of the former Hartheim killing centre
© Dokumentationsstelle Hartheim des Oberösterreichischen Landesarchivs
Image: »Letter of consolation« from the Sonnenstein killing centre to the son of Mary F. (1873–1940), 24 June 1940
»Letter of consolation« from the Sonnenstein killing centre to the son of Mary F. (1873–1940), 24 June 1940
© Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden, Abt. 631a Nr. 531